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Climbing Apps: Take Your Climbing Training to the Next Level

Dovi Hirsch

getting the most out of your home climbing wall

You would be hard-pressed to find a climber who does not have a cell phone these days. I mean, if you don’t post your climb to social media, did you really send? All jokes aside, climbing is growing and changing just as quickly as technology is these days. Climbing apps are becoming essential tools for finding crags, learning route beta, navigating the backcountry, building your social network of climbing peers, and climbing training.

Everyone’s needs are different when it comes to climbing apps. As a result, we have compiled a list of the most popular ones to help you narrow down your search. Read on to learn about each app and what it has to offer.

Category: Crag Info | Navigation | Community

Mountain Project most likely does not need an introduction. This climbing app was introduced in 2005 and has undergone many upgrades since then, especially in 2015 when it was purchased by REI. Mountain Project is a comprehensive database of climbing areas all over the world, detailing over 100K routes. In the app you can find general information, such as directions to a crag, route information, star ratings, comments, peak seasons, weather, and so much more. It also boasts a large forum where you can find helpful posts about gear, training, climbing areas, and anything else climbing related. If you create an account, you can keep track of your climbs, as well as create a tick list of climbs you want to try in the future.

Category: Guide

27 Crags is another user generated climbing app that houses pictures, route descriptions, and topos for over 10,000 climbing areas worldwide. The app includes a GPS feature to help guide you to your climb, and a logbook that allows you to record and track your ascents. This app works offline, which can come in handy in areas with no service. A filter option also makes it easy to search for particular climbing grades, travel information, and climbing shops.

Category: Guide

Unlike the two preceding apps, Rakkup offers users the ability to download guidebooks directly to their phones. You can buy, rent, or sample any of the guides available on the app on a pay-per-guide basis. With Rakkup, you can rest assured that the information is coming directly from the guidebook authors, so you don’t have to worry about relying on user-generated information. The app offers a compass with a direction-of-travel arrow and a map that moves with you to get you directly to the base of your route. Another game changing feature with this app is belay view photos. These show you exactly what the climb looks like from the belay stance, as opposed to from far away.

Category: Useful Tool

Climbing Weather provides weather forecasts for specific climbing areas and crags across the US. The app lists the standard forecast stats, such as high and low temps, chance of precipitation, wind, and humidity. The coolest feature (no pun intended) is that the app will use your GPS to help you find the best weather at crags nearby to your location.

Category: Community | Training

MyClimb is a social platform for the climbing community. The app allows you to log climbing routes—outdoor and indoors—and track your ticks in order to share with your friends and the MyClimb community. You can add photos, videos, and locations to each of your sessions, and see your progress as you progress. There is a leaderboard where you can compare yourself to your friends, the local climbing gym, and the broader community. The app also offers some integrated training options which were put together by pro climbers.

Category: Training

Lattice Training founders Ollie Torr and Tom Randall created this app which details climbing workouts. Everything from finger strength, to power endurance and core has a detailed workout listed within this app. Choose your goal, browse the different options, and create a weekly workout plan.

Category: Training

Boulder Trainer allows you to create your own workouts or download preset options. The app contains 45 different hangboards, with the flexibility of adding additional boards if you can’t find yours. To set up your own board, all you need to do is take a picture of it with the app, and input the number of holds. It is an extremely customizable app that includes voice commands for mid-workout instruction, a logbook, and the ability to store multiple training plans. This app would work great with our Rock-Stah wooden hangboard!

Moonboard, Tension Board, Kilter + Stokt

Category: Training

Each of these apps works with in conjunction with their respective boards. Choose the problem you want to work in the app, or create your own problem and watch the holds light up right in front of you. You can test your skills against the benchmark routes, and track your progress by ticking the climbs you complete. The only app here that is slightly different is Stokt, which is a new app that allows climbers to create and share problems based on their own home climbing wall. This would be a great app to use in conjunction with your Rocket Wall.

Whatever your desire when it comes to climbing training, there’s a climbing app for that! This list is certainly not exhaustive, but does highlight a good, diverse selection of popular climbing apps out there today. If you have an app that you love to use that is not listed here, tag us in a post on IG or Facebook and let us know!


Featured Climbing Training Gear

*NEW* The Rocketeer Wall: our free-standing adjustable solution for those who can’t mount a hangboard anywhere in their home or apartment—or who are limited on space. The Rocketeer gives climbers the additional option to set specific climbing holds. Recreate the crux holds of your proj and get ready to send, bruh.


The Rocket Wall: Available in 6’ and 8’ widths, it’s been tough for us to keep up with the demand for this innovative home climbing wall solution. Slightly overhanging, the Rocket Wall is big enough to set routes on, or to build a systems board.


The Rock-Stah: Our handcrafted version of a traditional hangboard, with curving crimp rails to help alleviate unnecessary strain on your pulleys. Because ain’t no one got time for a finger injury…


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