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Get Strong, Stay Safe and Start Sending: The 3 Basics of Getting Back to Climbing

Dovi Hirsch

The climbing world came to a grinding halt just several months ago when Covid-19 rolled into the crag. With stay-at-home orders and restrictions on travel put into place, our ropes, harnesses and shoes sadly started to collect dust. Collectively, climbers heeded the warnings and put their projects aside for the greater good, and to keep small climbing communities safe.

Scrambling to figure out a way to keep their fingers strong, climbers got creative. There was an entire movement around innovative solutions for training at home. From traversing kitchen cabinets to campusing in the stairwell—and even hanging a portaledge off a balcony in order to belay a climber up the side of an apartment complex, climbers were determined to get their fix. You name it, they sent it. And when they weren’t dry firing while bouldering their fireplace, climbers stuck to more traditional methods of training: hangboarding and home climbing walls.

Now that shelter-in-place policies are easing, restrictions on access to crags are also beginning to change. Climbing gyms across the country are also opening their doors for those who have missed pulling on plastic. But before you dig out that chalk bag and go running to the crag, take a minute to learn what it means to get back to climbing in a responsible way.

A good place to start is by checking out the guidelines that were put together by the Access Fund in collaboration with industry experts. These tips were established to provide beta on how climbers can safely get back out there and enjoy climbing. Read them and get creative with how social distancing and climbing can co-exist—and maybe think twice before slobbering all over that cam that you’re trying to place while cruxing out…

Most of this guidance also carries over to the gym scene, however, the majority of gyms have added their own rules to the mix. For the most part, gyms are requiring climbers to schedule time-slots in order to manage the amount of people in the gym, and to ensure proper social distancing. Mask wearing and frequent hand sanitizing are also either encouraged or required while climbing. Check out your local gym’s website regarding their protocols before heading over there.

Even though we’re finally able to poke our heads out from under the covers and go out to play, there are still many reasons why options for training at home are a good idea. Covid-19 is far from eradicated, and many states are experiencing resurgences, triggering governors to re-shutter bars, restaurants, gyms and other establishments. And while some people are getting more comfortable venturing out into the world, many others are opting to play it safe. And even for those who are comfortable hitting the local climbing gym, time slots are hard to secure and most sessions are limited to two hours—not exactly enough time to climb, train, and get that antagonist work in.

If you haven’t jumped on the home training bandwagon yet, or are looking for a new tool to add to your home climbing collection, make sure to check out our catalog of products—they’re in stock and ready to ship to any of the contiguous 48 states.

*NEW* The Rocketeer Wall: our free-standing adjustable solution for those who can’t mount a hangboard anywhere in their home or apartment—or who are limited on space. The Rocketeer gives climbers the additional option to set specific climbing holds. Recreate the crux holds of your proj and get ready to send, bruh.


The Rocket Wall: Available in 6’ and 8’ widths, it’s been tough for us to keep up with the demand for this innovative home climbing wall solution. Slightly overhanging, the Rocket Wall is big enough to set routes on, or to build a systems board.


The Rock-Stah: Our handcrafted version of a traditional hangboard, with curving crimp rails to help alleviate unnecessary strain on your pulleys. Because ain’t no one got time for a finger injury…


The Maverick: One thing that climbers have been doing to stay safe is hitting up more obscure boulders and crags. This is great…however, they don’t always have the warm-up options that more popular crags have to offer. In this situation, the Maverick is the perfect warm-up tool. Hang it from a tree or clip it into the first bolt and say goodbye to flash pump.


The Pinch Hangblock: Pinch strength doesn't have to hold you back. Our pinch block is perfect for training different pinch sizes, and also includes a 20mm edge and a jug. A portable solution to get that pinch strength up!


And just in case you’re one of the thousands of climbers frustrated with the fact that climbing holds and crash pads are out of stock everywhere, we’ve got you covered. We’ve partnered with Kilter Climbing Holds and Asana crash pads to make sure you have everything you need to train safely and effectively at home, or at the bouldering zoo.

Get strong, stay safe, and start sending. And make sure you tag @rockstarvolumes when you post those home training photos!


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